Day 41 of 100 Days of Making Comics

1/22/2021 - Day 41: An hour and 20min Went into mapping out the various character’s heights, making minor adjustments to model sheets, experimenting with a four panel layout, doing other little sketches for things like robots, and taking notes for the script.

 Progress Screenshots:

[Character size comparison concept art: Note that the pauldron design has changed. I think it looks cooler and less like canned ham now. The core inspiration for the new design was amphipods belonging to the genus Epimeria.]

 [Will this 4 panel setup amount to anything?]
[Aaand, just because I've been throwing a few dragon art updates in on these posts, here's a peak at something else I was working on today for another side project:] 

 [Okay, back to Endtar Arrival. Here's a brown Scruffy concept. I like this one as much as the black and white color scheme. the colors had to grow on me a little though over the course of the day, since I'm so used to seeing and working with characters in black and white]

Other Notes: 

  • Today's random interesting animal: It is indescribably difficult for me to choose an absolute favorite butterfly [Or moth for that matter, although I'm looking forward to introducing a favorite moth family soon.] One genus however that stands out to me is Lamproptera, containing both the green and white Dragontail butterfly species. It’s a really unusual type of swallowtail butterfly that's found in parts of Asia.

    Not only is part of the forewing transparent, but the hindwing has “tails” protruding for nearly the length of the butterfly's whole body. If you have the time, it’s really neat to see a slow motion recording of dragontails flying, since the "tails" oscillate in a pretty mesmerizing way.

  • TOOLS USED for the art in this post: Autodesk sketchbook on the ipad pro.

Thanks for reading! :)

Feel like relaxing to tropical butterflies in slow motion? I found a cool video to suit your slow-mo butterfly watching needs. Apparently it was filmed in Bolivia.

Or perhaps butterflies make you uncomfortable... I won't argue, maybe have fun watching a video of vinegaroons instead, they're cool and almost harmless. ¯\_()_/¯


Extra Links:  



  1. The brown Scruffy looks pretty neat, it's cool seeing the color schemes of most of these Endstar characters. I'd only seen them in black and white or grayscale before
    Side projects upon side projects!
    That dragon looks familiar hmmm?

    1. Yeah, I agree, seeing them in color is a bit of a different experience than black and white. Haha I do keep busy with side projects, some of which I value as much or more so in the long run than my main projects at the moment, but I like to take the pressure off of rushing them or worrying about publicity, since I'm already dedicated to working on too many things. Yeah the dragon is a recurring character that I've been drawing for a while.


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