100 days of making comics day 56

Day 56: Spent another hour working on Some character/pose sketches, practiced another expression, or technically a couple, and did some writing.

Progress Screenshots: [wip]

Other Notes:
Words. Here are some words.

Today's random interesting animal(s):

Flying frogs! "Flying frogs" belong to the genus Rhacophorus, and have pronounced and tough webbing between their toes used for gliding. Interestingly, they're also foam nesting frogs that lay their eggs above water. When the eggs hatch, the tadpoles fall into the water below to further develop.  

One of the most visually impressive species of flying frog that I know of, is the Wallace's flying frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) which is a mostly light green frog with a unique combination of orange-yellow and jet black over its very wide toe webbing.

TOOLS USED for the art in this post: Autodesk sketchbook on the ipad pro.

Thanks for checking out the blog! :) 

Links to find me in other parts of the internet:  


  1. Nice!!! I like those action poses,were they done with Clip Studio Models?
    You're making me want to spring for the upgrade.

    For now it's action figures in the guise of artist manakins haha
    Very awesome progress,and great job on making it to day 56!

    1. This particular batch wasn't, each one was just a sketch using the same approach as I learned in figure drawing classes. Clip Studio is quite handy though, and I've been practicing with it more lately. Thank you!


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