Day 33 of 100 Days of Making Comics


Hey, I'm Anna Raub [AKA: Mask Woman from the Turaco Creative Cast] I'm doing the 100 Days of Making Comics Challenge [courtesy of Kevin Cross.] 

1/14/2021 - Day 33: About an hour went into Endstar Arrival today. I’m still working on concept art and picked up where I left off on my robot chart. While I've been trying to log visible and externally obvious creative progress, it's true that a lot is still being worked out in my head. Even as I drew each rough little tail concept in the picture below, I kept pausing to think. I'm still piecing bits of the story together, and even though I intend to make it a relatively small startup comic project, it's clear to me, that the world the story takes place in is pretty expansive and has room for more storytelling in the future if I can just continue to work it out.


Also I almost forgot, but I sketched Neonie too.

I've been in a dino/dragon and other character mode, so I think it's a good a time as any to introduce just a little of what I've been working on from the projects I briefly mentioned in my last post for day 32.


These Crazy Dino-beasts aren't really a part of Endstar Arrival. They offer some practice for other robots I want to draw later for Endstar Arrival, but for the most part, these sorts of sketches are really meant for my Wanderstar Epic [I am probably going to rename it, this is just the working title.] project.

Regally colored with a bright yellow maw. I think I'll call it a therozaur.

 the pattern and color scheme was initially based on another character I've been designing for a while. A character that I was drawing just a couple of days ago for my 3rd main project. [currently dubbed Venture Fox, Venture's Realm/World or I don't really know for sure yet.] This is the project filled with animal characters, glowing slug-cats, mystery, and adventure all in a fantasy-scape that involves a rather literal underground plot.

This purple dragon's design is also a bit of a nod to the Mask Woman Concept art I made earlier. Stick around long enough, and you may notice quite a few concepts crossing over between each project that I'm working on. I just like doing that. It's fun, and sews a common thread throughout each otherwise technically independent story.
  • Later, I'll take out my time machine and write a blog post about how these other stories and characters began. Fun times. See you in the future, or, um in the past.
  • WOWww Tonight, I hosted a 3 and a half hour livestream. it was centralized around chilling and making paper-craft masks. Feel free to watch it here if you want. It's looong, but there was some good discussion here and there about dealing with perfectionism, procrastination, and a little about burnout too. All topics that I'm interested in writing about eventually.
Thanks again for checking out my blog! :)

I really like the fresh scent of cool and crisp winter air; the way it smells right before it snows.

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  1. Who was your wonderful co host on that 3 hour livestream?
    Those are topics the Turaco Creative Cast can cover at some point as well.
    Is that Mask Woman on the Therozaur with a new costume design?

    1. You're the co-host haha, and yeah those could be good topics. Actually, the character design for the character riding the Therozaur came along some time in 2019 I believe, while sitting in college. The mask design later influenced the creation of mask woman, because before the Turaco Creative Cast, I had created that purple and black mask based on this dino-riding character, and I ended up wearing that mask while livestreaming. meta lol


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