Day 37 of 100 Days of Making Comics


Hey, I'm Anna Raub [AKA: Mask Woman from the Turaco Creative Cast] I'm doing the 100 Days of Making Comics Challenge [courtesy of Kevin Cross.]   

1/18/2021 - Day 37: Spent an hour overthinking character sizes today. Spent way more than an hour reading about animals on the internet.

Progress Screenshots: [It's... It's progress.]

[I guess I was doing math here.]

[Outside of the hour focused on developing the Endstar Arrival project, some time on the side went into writing down more ideas for the Wanderstar Epic [WIP title] project, and also drawing some dragons.]

 Other Notes: 

  • Today's random interesting animal: Woodlice,[which aren't actual parasitic lice] regularly inhabit decaying wood, and are terrestrial isopods belonging to the suborder Oniscidea. Chances are, most people are already familiar with the common "roly-poly" or "sowbug." But interestingly enough, these little land dwelling crustaceans are increasing in popularity as "invertebrate pets" and many domestic morphs have come about as a result of selectively breeding for color in isopod colonies. 
  • Terrestrial isopods are also kept as a food source and vivarium cleanup crew by a growing number of Herpetoculturists [those who keep live reptiles and/or amphibians in captivity.]

  • you're welcome to name a random animal in the comments for me to read about as well if you want.
Hi, Thanks for Reading! :)

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  1. I know what you mean about spending time on the sizes, I started a new turnaround for Captain Courage and the size just seemed off. So kept making adjustments.
    The dragon looks rad, i like that design

    1. Man, yes that familiar artist feeling where you just want to keep tweaking the art until it's juuuust right. And glad you like the design, thanks!


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